The upcoming Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) law sets out a minimum environmental performance that buildings in the commercial rented sector must achieve.
As a result of the law, commercial landlords will have to ensure that their properties have an Energy Performance Certificate rating of E or above. Those failing to do so will be liable for a fine of up to £5,000 once the law comes into force on 1 April 2018.
And after 1 April, landlords will no longer be allowed to grant new tenancies on properties that do not meet the requirements. This includes extensions and renewals of existing tenancies, or a tenancy becoming a statutory periodic tenancy following the end of a fixed term shorthold.
The university’s You and MEES event will take place at the East Sussex National Golf club near Uckfield on 7 March 2018 and is aimed at commercial landlords and agents.
Attendees will learn about the details of the law, and the most cost efficient building upgrades that will ensure that they’re compliant.
There will be talks from commercial agent Stiles Harold Williams about how the law will affect the sector, and energy efficiency and renewable energy specialist Kayla Ente of 亚洲麻豆精品在线 and Hove Energy Services Cooperative about how landlords can best meet the requirements.
There will also be information on government-backed business grants that are available to contribute towards the cost of the building upgrades.
The grants are part of the Low Carbon Across the South East (LoCASE) project. LoCASE is funded through the European Regional Development Fund and pays business up to £10,000 to put towards improving their environmental performance.