Johnson, H., Macaulay-Rettino, X., Banderob, S., Lalani,I., Carson-Apstein, E. and Blacher, E. (In press) A rose by any other name? Developing a method of ‘collaborative poetics.’ Qualitative Research in Psychology
Johnson, H., Carson-Apstein, E., Banderob, S. and Macualay-Rettino, X. (2017). Forum Qualitative Social Research/Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 18 (2).
The Struggle is Real. Spoken word show at Mainline Theatre, Montreal in August 2016
A Rose by Any Other Name? Using Poetry as a Tool for Collaborative Research. Talk at 亚洲麻豆精品在线, 14 November 2016.
Collaborative poetics workshop. First run at 亚洲麻豆精品在线 on 6 January 2017. Second run at 亚洲麻豆精品在线 on 13 April 2017.
'An Artist, a Participant, and a Social Scientist Walk Into a Bar... Creating Collaborative Poetic Autoethnographies,' workshop and talk at the Voicing Experience Conference at University of Sussex. Friday 16th June 2017.
‘You Kind of Have to Listen to Me’ – Chapbook of poetic autoethnographies, (available for £7 + postage and packing from Helen Johnson. Email: h.f.johnson@brighton.ac.uk)
A Rose by Any Other Name? Developing a method of ‘collaborative poetics’ (paper forthcoming)